A National Pigeon Assn. Affiliated Club
Among our club are members of the GENEPOOL which is a group of Fantail breeders who have created and introduced "new colors" to this breed of pigeons. This is a wonderful combination of Showmanship and the Science of Genetics, paving the way for the production of the "New Type" Fantail in any rare coloration that one can dream of in the "Minds Eye". |
Our Goals are to have a club and shows for breeders of Fantails in the southern United States. We're proud to say that the Dixie Fantail Club works hand in hand with the Central Fantail Club, the Great Lakes Fantail Club and the Eastern Fantail Club in order to create a special fellowship among Fantail exhibitors in the Showroom. In general we promote the breeding, exhibition and improvement of Fantails. We also offer to assist breeders in any way that we can.
The objective of our club is to bring members together and trade brids so that they can as a club, and a team show high quality Fantails in any major show in the US and Canada.
Our club publishes the quarterly bulletin Dixie Fan-tales in order to keep our members updated as to club events and the latest information about Fantail pigeons.
The Dixie Fantail Club hold it's annual show once a year in November. We hold a banquet at this show and we offer those who attend our Show a Country-Southern Atmosphere, Laid Back, Easy Going and a Heck of A Lot of Fun.
We hope to host the Fantail Section at the NPA Myrtle Beach Grand National (Jan. 1998)!
For more information contact one of our officers or E-Mail Bob Mckee
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